being homebound all week from this southern snow (snowpacalypse? snowpalooza? snowmageddon?), i've had quite a bit of time to study my home's interior... and, as a result, i felt the need to rearrange pieces once again, or risk going temporarily insane and putting everything i own on freecycle
do others do this? feel the need to move bits and pieces around (including the heavier bits and pieces of furniture) and regroup items to make them once again new to you... to restore the loveliness you felt for these pieces when the relationship first began? i'm waiting quite patiently (not patiently at all) for the mail services to catch up and deliver various vintage and antique flower sacks and burlap bags that i've ordered this week (again, a product of too much time locked in the house)... i have pillows to make and chairs to recover
so, as i wait, i felt i needed an infusion of design inspiration... and what an abundance of inspiration i found! i stumbled upon the wesite of dave coote design
navigating the pages of coote's work truly felt like an early springtime, barefoot romp through the english coastal countryside... down a path to a light filled cottage, curtains blowing through the glass doors to guide you home. i felt i could actually smell the sea breezes and springtime blossoms. exactly what i needed after a snowy, cold week

and the journey didn't stop there, as i was led through the online boutique, pale & interesting, set up by coote and his stylist wife, atlanta bartlett... with beautiful furniture and home accessories galore:
"Pale & Interesting is the creation of husband and wife team, Atlanta Bartlett and Dave Coote.
Having each successfully worked in the magazine, photography and design industries for the last 20 years, this prolific couple have been producing books, interiors, furniture, products, sets, magazines features and cabins, both together and individually, that have been highly sought after by those “in the know”. Their combined client list ranges from Laura Ashley, John Lewis and Habitat to Elle Deco, Living etc and Red magazine.
Having each successfully worked in the magazine, photography and design industries for the last 20 years, this prolific couple have been producing books, interiors, furniture, products, sets, magazines features and cabins, both together and individually, that have been highly sought after by those “in the know”. Their combined client list ranges from Laura Ashley, John Lewis and Habitat to Elle Deco, Living etc and Red magazine.
Now, drawing on this extensive experience, they have created Pale & Interesting, an online boutique store, making their covetable style available to a wider audience for the first time.
Pale & Interesting is a life-style shopping experience. Inside this site you will find furniture, accessories, jewellery and books all chosen or designed by Atlanta and Dave, inspired by their love of the functional, beautiful and out-of-the-ordinary. Their philosophy is all about mixing it up, teaming old with new, contrasting rough with smooth and pairing femininity with utility. The look is definitely non-prescriptive, a backlash against against accepted ‘good-taste’ and bland mass-production. Here time worn furniture is loved for it’s signs of wear and tear, handcrafted objects adored for their individuality, utilitarian items celebrated for their functionality and personal touches are considered essential to keep your home fresh, lively and relevant to you."
now, if you feel the need to drool a bit more, you can head over to this duo's studios and locations website, the beach, to meander through several gorgeous english homes... i must warn you that you may want to alert a friend or family member to check in on you, as you will quite assuredly get lost in these pages for hours at a time!
well, i could do this all day, so i'll leave you to it... happy perusing!
and happy friday
love. love, love. I am not heading to their site right now though, because I definitely need to do some work.
this is really funny because i haev been obsessed with atlanta bartlett;s house this week! how strange!
that is weird! one brain ;)
their work is unbelievably gorgeous!
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