sunday thoughts ~ sculpture pieced together, twisting strands of thought, mental images, pulled through needle, stitched from memory...
thinking today, as i complete this sculpture in fabric inspired by the daffodil, of the parallel between nature and art
in nature, a flower bears seed, scattered by wind; reaching deep within the earth, grabbing hold and blossoming anew to the light, preparing to continue the cycle.
but, can the same not be said for the creativity of the mind and the resulting construction of art? instead of sun, water, and soil, we use thoughts, dreams, tools, and hands to create. inspiration harvested from the scattered seeds of those who created before us... built upon centuries of ideas and work, cultivating for new growth in the centuries to come
we hold onto these individual treasures for as long as we can. in nature and in art this may last for days or for generations. but ideas passed on can live forever... ideas waiting to plant themselves and give life to something new